Our team consists of a set of experts on both the colonial and postcolonial history of Indonesia. We all share a common research interest in the theme of corruption and in the idea of viewing (post)colonial Indonesian history from the angle of transnational history. We are a diverse team, consisting both of Indonesian and Dutch scholars and coming from a variety of sub-disciplines (political history, economic history and cultural history).

Prof. Dr. Susan Legêne
Legêne is coordinator and supervisor of several succesful international projects on colonial and postcolonial history. Prior to entering academia, Legêne has worked for over 20 years as an employee of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto
Purwanto is a leading expert in the fields of Indonesian colonial and postcolonial history. He has a special interest in the economic history of modern Indonesia. He also served as extraordinary Professor at Leiden University.

Dr. Ronald Kroeze
Kroeze is the coordinator of our project. Kroeze is an expert on the history of corruption, anticorruption, good governance and modern political history. Kroeze has executed and co-coordinated several projects on the history of corruption and anticorruption. Kroeze is also a co-founder of the CNRS-funded international network ”Politics and Corruption”.

Uji Winardi, MA (VU)
Winardi is a historian who specializes on the theme of nationalism in relation to corruption in the late colonial and early-independence eras of Indonesian history.

Otto Linde, MA (VU)
At the moment Linde is doing research within the context of the broader research project ” Colonial Normativity” – which focuses on normativity within the context of the historical relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia in the modern era. Linde utilizes the heuristic tool of the corruption scandal in order to explore the complex entanglements, synergies and tensions between imperial governance on the ground and norm-setting in the public and political spheres.

Dr. Farabi Fakih, (UGM)
Fakih is a historian at UGM and an expert on postcolonial Indonesian state formation and economic development. He graduated from Leiden University with the thesis: The Rise of the Managerial State in Indonesia: Institutional Transition during the Early Independence Period, 1950-1965 (Leiden, 2014).
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