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Ronald Kroeze – New perspectives on corruption in colonial and postcolonial society | Amsterdam Young Academy
Integriteit en corruptie in Nederland. Een gesprek met Ronald Kroeze – YouTube -
DBR Kroeze – Research Output — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( -
DBR Kroeze – Press / Media — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( -
Ronald Kroeze, ‘Understanding the History of Corruption: Some Reflections on the Latest Developments in the Field,’ for the Instituto de Ciências Humanas da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) -
Farabi Fakih, ”Strategies of Rent Seeking during The Sukarno Period: Foreigners and Corruption, 1950–1965.” Lembaran Sejarah, Vol. 13(1) (April 2017): 91-108. -
Otto Linde, ‘Colonial Normativity’: Wie schuilen daar in de schaduw? | SDG – Meer over – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( – in Dutch //‘Colonial Normativity’: Who is hiding in the shadows? | SDG – More about – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( – in English -
F. Monier, R. Kroeze, P. Dalmau (eds.) Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era: A Global Perspective (Palgrave/MacMillan, 2021). -
F. Monier, R. Kroeze and P. Dalmau, ”Introduction: Towards a Global Perspective” in F. Monier, R. Kroeze, P. Dalmau (eds.) Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era: A Global Perspective (Palgrave/MacMillan, 2021), 1-19. -
Ronald Kroeze, ”Colonial Normativity? Corruption in the Dutch–Indonesian Relationship in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,” in F. Monier, R. Kroeze, P. Dalmau (eds.) Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era: A Global Perspective (Palgrave/MacMillan, 2021), 173-208. -
April 2022 Kroeze’s podcast with Lousewies van der Laan (chair Transparency International Nederland). -
Ronald Kroeze, ‘De Republiek is pas sinds de negentiende eeuw ‘corrupt’’, (interview) – Historisch Nieuwsblad -
Otto Linde and Susan Legêne, ‘‘Gelijk ondanks verschillende rechten? M.C. Piepers’ dubbelzinnige conceptualisering van juridische gelijkheid (1898),’’ in Koloniaal burgerschap. Geschiedenis en erfenis, edited by Karwan Fatah-Black and Lauren Lauret. Amsterdam: Boom, 2024. -
Wolfgang Wagner, Linet R. Durmusoglu, Barbora Holá, Ronald Kroeze, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Wouter G. Werner (eds.), Punishment in International Society: Norms, Justice, and Punitive Practices, (Oxford University Press, 2024). -
Wolfgang Wagner, Linet R. Durmusoglu, Barbora Holá, Ronald Kroeze, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Wouter G. Werner, ”Norm violations and punishment beyond the nation-state: Normative orders, authority, and conflict in international society” in Wolfgang Wagner, Linet R. Durmusoglu, Barbora Holá, Ronald Kroeze, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Wouter G. Werner (eds.), Punishment in International Society: Norms, Justice, and Punitive Practices, (Oxford University Press, 2024), 1-16. -
Ronald Kroeze and Farabi Fakih, ”Punitivity and norm-setting in the history of colonial and postcolonial relations: The end of the inter-governmental group on Indonesia in 1992” in Wolfgang Wagner, Linet R. Durmusoglu, Barbora Holá, Ronald Kroeze, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Wouter G. Werner (eds.), Punishment in International Society: Norms, Justice, and Punitive Practices, (Oxford University Press, 2024), 209-240. -
Otto Linde and Susan Legêne, ”Equal Despite Different Entitlements? M.C. Piepers’ Ambiguous Conceptualization of Legal Equality (1898)” Sasdaya – Gadjah Mada Journal of Humanities. 8:2 (2024): 119-133. -
Kroeze, D.B. Ronald, and Otto Linde, ‘‘A Complicit State? Debating the Nexus between Corruption and the Colonial State in the Dutch Empire, c. 1850s-1880s.’’ In Corruption, Anti-corruption, Vigilance, and State Building from Early to Late Modern Times, edited by Ricard Torra-Prat, Joan Pubill-Brugués and Arndt Brendecke, 130-152. New York: Routledge, 2025. -
Otto Linde, ‘Normativity and the Abuse of Office in the Context of the Imperial Relations between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies, c. 1848-1904,’ (PhD diss., Vrije Universiteit, 2025).
We participated in the ‘Corruption and Modernity’ conference in Munich – 2022, presenting the paper ‘A Complicit State.’ Speaker: Otto Linde.
We participated in the OPG Political History conference in Amsterdam 23-24 June, where we organized a panel on the theme of norm-setting. The speakers were: Ronald Kroeze, Farabi Fakih, Uji Winardi and Otto Linde, together with Alicia Schrikker, Lauren Lauret, Alexander van der Meer and Philip Post.
We participated in ‘Corruption and Norm-setting in late-colonial and postcolonial Indonesia: Debating the First Findings from a Dutch-Indonesian Project’ in Yogyakarta [UGM] on 6-7 July 2022. Speakers: Susan Legêne, Bambang Purwanto, Ronald Kroeze, Farabi Fakih, Uji Winardi and Otto Linde.
”Historicidagen” 25-27 August 2022 [Rotterdam]. By participating in this event we shared some of our most recent findings with a broader audience [both academic and non-academic!]. Speakers: Ronald Kroeze, Farabih Fakih, Uji Winardi and Otto Linde, as well as Dr. A.F. Schrikker, an expert on Dutch colonialism.
We organized a ‘symposium’ – Corruption and Public Service in an Age of Modernity and Empire’ – Amsterdam 25th November 2022 together with Ian Cawood. Speakers: Ian Cawood, Ronald Kroeze, Otto Linde and Uji Winardi.
Susan Legêne and Otto Linde participated in the ‘Het Huis van Thorbecke in de Koloniën’ conference on 8 June 2023 – with two publications following.
Ronald Kroeze as Keynote, Corruption equals periphery? Analyzing debates about corruption around 1900 Stirling 8-9 june 2023.
We have been organizing a conference on the Vrije Universiteit premises on 7 December 2023 – ‘Setting the Norm’ with a series of publications following.
Ronald Kroeze’s lecture: A Prospectus for a New History of Corruption together with Mark Knights Gothenburg at conference 20 Years of the Quality of Government Research: taking stock and moving Forward 20-22 May, 2024 Gothenburg
We have organized the panel ”The weight of the past? Corruption through the histories of plantation and election in (post)colonial Indonesia” during the conference Euroseas2024 at Amsterdam. Speakers: Pujo Semedi; Runavia Mulyasari; Otto Linde; Uji Nugroho Winardi and Susan Legêne.
Ronald Kroeze’s lecture ‘European comparative perspectives on (anti) corruption in modernity’, together with Jens Ivo Engels in Leiden at the workshop Anti-Corruption, Good Governance and a Public Service Ethos: Improving Standards of Administrative Conduct since the 19th Century, 15 november 2024.
We organized an international expertmeeting pertaining to the topic of colonial normativity on 16 January 2025 on VU premises.
Farabi Fakih presented the findings of his research at the VU on 28 February 2025.